Scripture Verse

Prepare ye the way of the Lord…Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low. Isaiah 40:3–4


Frans M. Franzèn (1772–1847)

Words: Frans M. Fran­zèn, 1812 (Be­re­den väg för Herr­an). Trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by Au­gus­tus Nel­son (1863–1949).

Music: Be­re­den väg för Herr­an Swed­ish tune, be­fore 1560 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Nel­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Prepare the way, O Zi­on!
Ye aw­ful deeps, rise high;
Sink low, ye tow­er­ing mount­ains,
The Lord is draw­ing nigh;
The right­eous King of glo­ry,
Foretold in sac­red sto­ry.


O blest is He that came
In God the Fa­ther’s name.

O Zi­on, He ap­proach­eth,
Thy Lord and king for aye!
Strew palms where He ad­vanc­eth,
Spread gar­ments in His way.
God’s pro­mise fail­eth ne­ver,
Hosanna sound for­ev­er!

Fling wide thy por­tals, Zi­on
And hail thy glo­ri­ous king;
His tid­ings of sal­va­tion
To ev­ery peo­ple bring,
Who, wait­ing yet in sadness,
Would sing His praise in glad­ness.


He com­eth not with war­ri­ors,
And not with pomp and show,
Yet smit­eth He with ter­ror
Sin, death, and ev­ery foe.
The Spir­it’s sword He wield­eth,
Not e’en to death He yield­eth.


Give heed, thou sin­ful peo­ple,
Thy king and Sav­ior own;
The king­dom He hath found­ed
Is not an earth­ly one;
No pow­er can ov­er­throw it,
Nor earth­ly wis­dom know it.


The throne which He as­cend­eth
Is fixed in Heav­en above:
His sanc­ti­fied do­min­ion
Is light alone and love.
His praise be ev­er sound­ing
For grace and peace abound­ing.


Jerusalem is fall­en,
And closed its tem­ple door;
Its sac­ri­fices end­ed;
Its scep­ter is no more.
Christ’s king­dom ne­ver ceas­eth,
Its glo­ry still in­creas­eth.
