Scripture Verse

Depart in peace. James 2:16


Words: Sa­rah F. Adams, in Hymns and An­thems, by Will­iam John­son Fox (Lon­don: Charles Fox,1841), num­ber 82.

Music: Bea­trice Will­iam W. Coe, 1895 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Coe (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Sarah F. Adams (1805–1848)


Part in peace! is day be­fore us?
Praise His name for life and light;
Are the sha­dows length­en­ing o’er us?
Bless His care who guards the night.

Part in peace! with deep thanks­giv­ing,
Rendering, as we home­ward tread,
Gracious ser­vice to the liv­ing,
Tranquil me­mo­ry to the dead.

Part in peace! such are the prais­es
God our mak­er lov­eth best;
Such the wor­ship that up­raises
Human hearts to heav­en­ly rest.