Scripture Verse

A little child will lead them. Isaiah 11:6


Mary E. Willson (1842–1906)

Word: Ma­ry E. Will­son, in Tri­um­phant Songs No. 1, ed­it­ed by Ed­win O. Ex­cell & Sam P. Jones (To­ron­to, Ca­na­da: Will­iam Briggs, 1887), num­ber 159, alt.

Music: Ma­ry E. Will­son, ar­ranged by Al­fred Bier­ly (🔊 pdf nwc).

A fish­er­man got lost in the fog; his lit­tle child called from the shore, Come this way, and guid­ed by the voice, he reached home in safe­ty.

So, un­saved and lost fa­thers, list­en to the lit­tle voic­es from the heav­en­ly shore, call­ing Pa­pa, come this way.

Triumphant Songs No. 1, 1887

Alfred Beirly (1848-1929)


A lit­tle child­ish voice is stilled,
Two gen­tle lit­tle hands are crossed;
Two lit­tle eyes for­ev­er closed,
The sound of pat­ter­ing feet is lost
A lit­tle form from out our home
Was borne by lov­ing hands away;
But still I seem to hear a voice:
Within my heart, it says each day,


Papa, come this way,
Papa, come this way
A lit­tle voice calls from that shore,
Papa, come this way.

I’m sure my dar­ling is at rest,
Within the ten­der Shepherd’s fold;
He took her from this sin­ful world,
He shields her from its blast and cold;
But how I miss the lov­ing kiss,
And oh! my long­ing heart is sore;
Then comes that lit­tle plead­ing voice,
It gent­ly whis­pers o’er and o’er,


Where’er I go, that voice I hear
As tho’ my dar­ling could not rest,
Until I give my heart to Him
Who died to save and make me blest.
And so it ech­oes in my heart,
And thro’ the cham­bers of my soul;
I’ll not re­sist that plead­ing voice,
I’ll go to Jesus and be whole.
