Scripture Verse

Preach the Gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15


Words: Floy S. Arm­strong, in Make Christ King, ed­it­ed by Ed­win O. Ex­cell & Will­iam E. Bie­der­wolf (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Glad Tid­ings, 1912), num­ber 67a.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Arm­strong (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


How many times has He light­ened our cares,
Over and ov­er again!
How many times has He an­swered our pray­ers,
Over and ov­er again!
Then tell of His good­ness to thee and to thine,
And tell of His mer­cies to me and to mine;
Repeat the old sto­ry of par­don di­vine,
Over and ov­er again.


Over and ov­er again,
Over and ov­er again,
O what a won­der­ful story to tell,
Over and ov­er again.

He ne’er re­fus­es to hear, tho’ we call
Over and ov­er again,
Sends show’rs of bless­ings so free­ly on all,
Over and ov­er again;
Oh, why are you si­lent so oft­en, so long,
When tell­ing the story will turn them from wrong?
Then tell it, O tell it in praise or in song,
Over and ov­er again.


Tho’ we may wan­der in by­ways of sin,
Over and ov­er again,
The heart of Je­sus will bid us come in,
Over and ov­er again;
Then let us be will­ing, wher­ev­er the place,
To tell of His kind­ness, His par­don, His grace,
And some day in glo­ry we’ll look on His face,
Over and ov­er again.
