Scripture Verse

With Thee is the fountain of life. Psalm 36:9


Robert Lowry (1826–1899)

Words: Ell­en F. C. Hus­ted, in Pre­cious Hymns (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Be­tha­ny Sab­bath School, 1870).

Music: Ro­bert Low­ry (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Hus­ted,

Ellen F. C. Husted (1836–1873)


Lo! a fount­ain full and free,
Overflowing ev­er;
Fainting heart, it is for thee,
Overflowing ev­er;
Gushing, spark­ling, nev­er still,
Taste its sweet­ness, drink thy fill.


Overflowing, ov­er­flowi­ng ev­er,
Overflowing, flow­ing now for thee.

List the mur­mur that it speaks,
Overflowing ev­er;
On the soul in song it breaks,
Overflowing ev­er;
Singing, sooth­ing souls to ease,
Music of all me­lo­dies.


Blessèd fount! the pur­est known,
Overflowing ev­er;
Stream of life from God’s own throne,
Overflowing ev­er;
Sacred blood for sin­ners spilt,
This can cleanse away thy guilt.
