Scripture Verse

Give Me thine heart. Proverbs 23:26


Charles H. Gabriel (1856–1932)

Words: Ada J. Blenk­horn, in Lit­tle Branch­es No. 2, ed­it­ed by Charles Ga­bri­el (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Mey­er & Bro­ther, 1896), num­ber 47.

Music: Lex­ing­ton Charles H. Ga­bri­el, 1896 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ada J. Blenkhorn (1858–1927)


What can we give to Je­sus
That He would prize the most?
That would, when known in Hea­ven,
Rejoice the an­gel host?
Not gold, nor pre­cious jewels,
Could such an of­fer­ing be;
These were a gift un­wor­thy
Of such a friend as He.


We’ll give our hearts to Je­sus;
No gift that we could bring
Would be a better present
For Christ, the children’s king.

We may not go­vern rich­es,
Our tal­ents may be few,
Yet sure­ly there is some­thing
That we for Him may do.
He owns the love­ly flow­ers,
The earth, and Heav’n above;
He asks us not for rich­es—
He on­ly wants our love.


We know that He will take us,
For He has told us so;
He’ll pu­ri­fy and cleanse us,
And wash us white as snow.
He’ll al­ways dwell with­in us,
And make us sweet and mild,
Just like the gen­tle Sav­ior,
The sin­less ho­ly Child.
