Scripture Verse

Why do you now cry aloud—have you no king? Has your counselor perished, that pain seizes you like that of a woman in labor? Lamentations 2:19


Words: E. Mar­ga­ret Clark­son, 1981.

Music: Sal­va­tion (Ken­tuc­ky) Ken­tuc­ky Har­mo­ny, 1816 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

E. Margaret Clarkson


Our ci­ties cry to you, O God,
From out their pain and strife;
You made us for Your­self alone,
But we choose ali­en life.
Our goals are plea­sure, gold, and pow­er;
Injustice stalks our earth;
In vain we seek for rest, for joy,
For sense of hu­man worth.

Yet still You walk our streets, O Christ!
We know Your pre­sence here,
Where hum­ble Chris­tians love and serve
In god­ly grace and fear.
O Word made flesh, be seen in us!
May all we say and do
Affirm You God in­car­nate still
And turn sad hearts to You!

Your people are Your hands and feet
To serve Your world to­day;
Our lives, the book our ci­ties read
To help them find your way.
O pour Your so­ver­eign Spir­it out
On heart and will and brain:
Inspire Your church with love and power
To ease our ci­ties’ pain!

O heal­ing Sav­ior, Prince of Peace,
Salvation’s source and sum,
For You our brok­en ci­ties cry—
O come, Lord Je­sus, come!
With truth Your roy­al dia­dem,
With right­eous­ness Your rod,
O come, Lord Je­sus, bring to earth
The ci­ty of our God!