Scripture Verse

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Psalm 116:15


Words: Eli­za­beth (Liz­zie) F. Bak­er, in Sun­day School Songs, ed­it­ed by Eli­sha A. Hoff­man (Cleve­land, Ohio: Pub­lish­ing House of the Ev­an­gel­ic­al As­so­cia­tion, 1880), page 119.

Music: Croy­don (Hodg­es) Da­ni­el F. Hodg­es (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bak­er or Hodg­es (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The last night of watch­ing is over;
The last words of love have been said;
And safe on the bo­som of Je­sus,
Our mo­ther has pil­lowed her head.
Enfolded in arms ev­er­last­ing,
Her weak­ness and pains are all past;
The pearl gates of God’s up­per ci­ty
In tri­umph she’s en­tered at last.


Safe in the bright up­per land,
Safe thro’ ete­rn­ity’s years,
Safe with the glo­ri­fied band,
After earth’s tri­als and tears.

We mourn thro’ the bright days of sum­mer,
’Mid scenes where no more she will tread;
And weep when the white snows of win­ter
Fall soft o’er the grave of our dead;
But when the home-group of our hearth-stone
Shall kneel at the calm hour of pray­er,
The beau­ti­ful soul of our mo­ther
Shall meet with her dar­ling ones there.


We thank Thee, our Fa­ther, in Heav­en,
That aft­er the earth-life of tears,
There com­eth a day with­out end­ing,
The morn of eter­ni­ty’s years;
We thank Thee that, per­fect thro’ suff’ring,
Thy loved and Thy ran­somed shall stand,
And sing the new song all to­ge­ther,
With Thee in the bright up­per land.


Our eyes on the cross, dear Re­deem­er,
Our feet in the safe nar­row way,
We’ll think of the great weight of glo­ry,
And car­ry the cross of to­day;
Thy strength in our weak­ness made per­fect,
Bear us as on wings to the sky,
Where hopes that we cher­ish ne’er fail us,
And those that we love can­not die.
