Scripture Verse

Thou art the God of my salvation. Psalm 25:5


Thomas Olivers (1725–1799)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Tho­mas Ol­iv­ers.

Music: Town­er Da­ni­el B. Tow­ner, 1913 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Daniel Towner (1850–1919)

Origin of the Hymn

Daniel Sed­gwick, who re­print­ed Tho­mas Ol­iv­ers’ po­ems, said:

This hymn is at­trib­ut­ed to him on the cir­cum­stan­tial evi­dence that sur­rounds its his­to­ry.

It first ap­peared ap­pend­ed to a short ac­count of the death of Mary Lang­son, of Tax­all, in Che­shire, who died Jan­ua­ry 29, 1769, when Ol­iv­ers was sta­tioned on that cir­cuit. The in­ter­nal evi­dence so sub­stan­ti­ates the claim that the au­thor­ship is not quest­ioned.

Nutter, p. 18


O Thou God of my sal­va­tion,
My Re­deem­er from all sin;
Moved by Thy di­vine com­pas­sion,
Who hast died my heart to win;
I will praise Thee, I will praise Thee,
Where shall I Thy praise be­gin?
I will praise Thee, I will praise Thee,
Where shall I Thy praise be­gin?

Though un­seen, I love the Sav­ior,
He hath brought sal­va­tion near;
Manifests His par­don­ing fa­vor,
And when Je­sus doth ap­pear,
Soul and bo­dy, soul and bo­dy,
Shall His glo­ri­ous im­age bear;
Soul and body, soul and bo­dy,
Shall His glo­ri­ous im­age bear.

Now I see with joy and won­der
Whence the heal­ing streams arose,
Angel-minds are lost to pon­der
Dying love’s mys­te­ri­ous cause;
Yet the bless­ing, yet the bless­ing
Down on all, to me it flows.
Yet the bless­ing, yet the bless­ing
Down on all, to me it flows.

While the an­gel choirs are cry­ing,
Glory to the great I AM,
I with them will still be vy­ing—
Glory, glo­ry, to the Lamb!
Oh, how pre­cious, oh, how pre­cious
Is the sound of Je­sus’ name!
Oh, how pre­cious, oh, how pre­cious
Is the sound of Je­sus’ name!

Angels now are ho­ver­ing round us,
Unperceived among the throng;
Wondering at the love that crowned us,
Glad to sing the ho­ly song;
Hallelujah, hal­le­lu­jah,
Love and praise to Christ be­long!
Hallelujah, hal­le­lu­jah,
Love and praise to Christ be­long!