Scripture Verse

I am the Almighty God. Genesis 17:1


Words: Well­ing­ton A. Ad­ams, in The Bap­tist Stand­ard Hym­nal, ed­it­ed by Mrs. A. M. Town­send (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: Sun­day School Pub­lish­ing Board, Na­tion­al Bap­tist Con­ven­tion, U.S.A., 1924), num­ber 344.

Music: Pe­ti­tion (Ad­ams) Well­ing­ton A. Ad­ams, 1924 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Wellington A. Adams (1879–?)


O Thou Al­migh­ty God,
Creator of us all;
Help us to praise and mag­ni­fy
Thy holy name o’er all.

O Thou Al­migh­ty God,
Thy mer­cy we im­plore;
Keep us with­in Thy ten­der care,
And plen­te­ous joys be­stow.

O, lead us on, dear Lord,
Our hand still clasped in Thine,
Until we reach the pear­ly shores
Of Heav’n’s abode di­vine.

O then what hap­pi­ness
Awaits the Chris­tian there;
No more life’s bit­ter woes to share
In glo­ry-land so fair.