Scripture Verse

Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. Matthew 25:13


Joseph A. Seiss (1823–1904)


Words: Phil­ipp F. Hill­er, 1767 (Wir war­ten dein, O Gott­es Sohn). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Jo­seph A. Seiss, 1890.

Music: Gas­to­ri­us Se­ve­rus Gas­to­ri­us, 1675 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Gas­to­ri­us (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Philipp F. Hiller (1699–1769)


O Son of God, we wait for Thee,
In love for Thine ap­pear­ing;
We know Thou sit­test on the throne,
And we Thy name are bear­ing,
Who trusts in Thee, may joy­ful be,
And see Thee, Lord, des­cend­ing,
To bring us bliss un­end­ing.

We wait for Thee ’mid toil and pain,
In wea­ri­ness and sigh­ing;
But glad that Thou our guilt hast borne,
And can­celed it by dy­ing;
Hence cheer­ful­ly may we with Thee
Take up our cross and bear it,
Till we re­lief in­her­it.

We wait for Thee; here Thou hast won
Our hearts to hope and du­ty;
But while our spir­its feel Thee near,
Our eyes would see Thy beau­ty;
We fain would be at rest with Thee
In peace and joy su­per­nal,
In glo­ri­ous life eter­nal.

We wait for Thee; sure Thou wilt come;
The time is swift­ly near­ing;
In this we also now re­joice,
And long for Thine ap­pear­ing.
Oh, bliss ’twill be when Thee we see,
Homeward Thy peo­ple bring­ing,
With trans­port and with sing­ing!