Scripture Verse

We shall see face to face. 1 Corinthians 13:12


Words: Ne­va P. Pren­tice, in Hymns of Wor­ship and Ser­vice (New York: Cen­tu­ry Com­pa­ny, 1905).

Music: Ma­ro L. Bart­lett (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Pren­tice or Bart­lett (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


They’ll nev­er cross the val­leys,
Or crys­tal waters sweet,
They’ll nev­er face the foe­man,
When charg­ing ar­mies meet;
O’er mount­ains, vast and hoa­ry,
O’er hill and grassy plain,
Our sol­dier he­roes sleep­ing,
Shall nev­er march again.


They’ll nev­er march again,
They’ll nev­er march again,
Our sol­dier heroes sleep­ing,
Shall nev­er march again.

We’ll call our hosts to­ge­ther,
From ov­er land and sea,
They’ll nev­er hear the trum­pet,
Or sound of re­veille;
Our coun­try’s flag shall lead them,
A host as strong and brave,
As they who sleep in si­lence,
Where flow­ers o’er them wave.


They fought and won the bat­tle,
Those he­ro boys of ours,
And we are left to weep them
And strew their graves with flowers;
They’ve won the palms of glo­ry,
They wear the rose of grace,
Beneath His crown of sun­light
Their souls shall see His face.


Their feet shall cross the val­leys,
And Ed­en’s rivers sweet,
They’ll lie be­side the fount­ains,
Where an­gels joy­ful meet;
But ’mid their coun­try’s bat­tles,
O’er any ear­thy plain,
Our sol­dier heroes sleep­ing,
Shall nev­er march again.
