Scripture Verse

So shall the King greatly desire thy beauty: for He is thy Lord; and worship thou Him. Psalm 45:11


Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 125.

Music: Ge­rar Lo­well Ma­son, 1839 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


O roy­al bride, give heed,
And to my words at­tend;
For Christ the King for­sake the world
And ev­ery for­mer friend.

Thy beau­ty and thy grace
Shall then de­light the King;
He on­ly is thy right­ful Lord,
To Him thy wor­ship bring.

To thee, since thou art His,
Great ho­nor shall be shown;
The rich shall bring their gifts to thee,
Thy glo­ry they shall own.

Enthroned in roy­al state,
All glo­ri­ous thou shalt dwell,
With gar­ments fair, in­wrought with gold;
The Church He lov­eth well.

And they that hon­or thee
Shall in thy train at­tend,
And to the pa­lace of the King
Shall joy­ful­ly as­cend.

O King of roy­al race,
Thy sons of hea­ven­ly birth,
Thou wilt en­dow with king­ly gifts
As princ­es in the earth.

Thy name shall be pro­claimed
Through all suc­ceed­ing days,
And all the na­tions of the earth
Shall give Thee end­less praise.