Scripture Verse

O grave, where is thy victory? 1 Corinthians 15:55


George H. Trabert (1843–1931)

Words: Early La­tin (Ad Coe­nam Ag­ni Pro­vi­di). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Swed­ish by Olav­us Pe­tri (1493–1552) (Nu Kom­men är vår Pås­ka­fröjd), and from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by George H. Tra­bert (1843–1931), alt.

Music: All­mäch­tig­er Gott Jo­hann Crü­ger, 1640 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

  • Splendor Pa­ter­nae Plain­song, Mode I (🔊 pdf nwc)
Johann Crüger


O Pas­chal feast, what joy is thine!
We praise, dear Lord, Thy name di­vine,
For Thou hast tri­umphed o’er the tomb;
No more we need to dread its gloom.

The tree where Thou wast of­fered up
Now bears the fruit of life and hope;
Thy pre­cious blood for us was shed
That we might eat of heav’n­ly bread.

We thank Thee, Je­sus, that Thy hand
Hath freed us from sin’s gall­ing band;
No more its bond­age need we fear,
The year of li­ber­ty is here.

O Pas­chal Lamb, God’s ho­ly Son,
Through whom re­demp­tion now is won,
Thou giv­est sav­ing strength in­deed
In all our con­flicts, all our need.

As Thou didst rise on East­er Day,
Help us to rise from sin, we pray;
And at the end of earth­ly strife
Raise us, O Lord, to end­less life.