Scripture Verse

Carried by the angels. Luke 16:22


Ira D. Sankey (1840–1908)

Words: Ira D. San­key, 1900. Ap­prop­ri­ate for fun­er­al ser­vic­es. Change him/his to her/hers if ap­prop­ri­ate.

Music: Al­gar­ve Ira D. San­key, 1900 (🔊 pdf nwc).

I wrote this hymn es­pe­cial­ly for the me­mo­ri­al ser­vice held for Mr. [Dwight L.] Moody in Car­ne­gie Hall [New York Ci­ty], where I al­so sang it as a so­lo.

It was the last sac­red song to which I wrote both the words and music. It has been large­ly adopt­ed in Eng­land as a fun­er­al hymn.

Sankey, p. 215


Out of the sha­dow-land, into the sun­shine,
Cloudless, eter­nal, that fades not away;
Softly and ten­der­ly Je­sus hath called him
Home, where the ran­somed are ga­ther­ing to­day.


Silently, peace­ful­ly, angels have borne him,
Into the beau­ti­ful man­sions above;
There shall he rest from earth’s toil­ing for­ev­er,
Safe in the arms of God’s in­fi­nite love.

Out of the shadow-land, wea­ry and change­ful,
Out of the val­ley of sor­row and night,
Into the rest of the life ev­er­last­ing,
Into the sum­mer of end­less de­light.


Out of the shadow-land, ov­er life’s ocean,
Into the rap­ture and joy of the Lord,
Safe in the Fa­ther’s house, wel­comed by an­gels,
His the bright crown and eter­nal re­ward.
