Carried by the angels.
Luke 16:22
Words: Ira D. Sankey, 1900. Appropriate for funeral services.
Change him/his to her/hers if appropriate.
Music: Algarve Ira D. Sankey, 1900 (🔊 pdf nwc).
I wrote this hymn especially for the memorial service held for Mr. [Dwight L.] Moody in Carnegie Hall [New York City], where I also sang it as a solo.
It was the last sacred song to which I wrote both the words and music. It has been largely adopted in England as a funeral hymn.
Sankey, p. 215
Out of the shadow-land, into the sunshine,
Cloudless, eternal, that fades not away;
Softly and tenderly Jesus hath called him
Home, where the ransomed are gathering today.
Silently, peacefully, angels have borne him,
Into the beautiful mansions above;
There shall he rest from earth’s toiling forever,
Safe in the arms of God’s infinite love.
Out of the shadow-land, weary and changeful,
Out of the valley of sorrow and night,
Into the rest of the life everlasting,
Into the summer of endless delight.
Out of the shadow-land, over life’s ocean,
Into the rapture and joy of the Lord,
Safe in the Father’s house, welcomed by angels,
His the bright crown and eternal reward.