Scripture Verse

The Lord will hasten it in His time. Isaiah 60:22


Words: Will­iam C. Bry­ant, 1869.

Music: O Je­su Ev­an­gel­isch­es Ge­sang­buch (Hirsch­berg, Ger­ma­ny: 1741) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

William C. Bryant (1794–1878)


O North, with all thy vales of green,
O South, with all thy palms!
From peo­pled towns and vales be­tween,
Uplift the voice of psalms;
Raise, an­cient East, the an­them high,
And let the youth­ful West r­eply.

Lo, in the clouds of Heav’n ap­pears
God’s well be­lov­èd Son
He brings a train of bright­er years;
His king­dom is begun.
He comes, a guil­ty world to bless
With mer­cy, truth, and right­eous­ness.

O Fa­ther, haste the pro­mised hour,
When at His feet shall lie
All rule, au­tho­ri­ty, and pow­er,
Beneath the am­ple sky;
When He shall reign from pole to pole,
The Lord of ev­ery hu­man soul.

When all shall heed the words He said
Amid their dai­ly cares
And by the lov­ing life He led
Shall seek to pat­tern theirs;
And He who con­quered death shall win
The migh­ti­er con­quest ov­er sin.