Scripture Verse

Unto you…which believe He is precious. 1 Peter 2:7


Words: Kate Ul­mer, in Song Prais­es, by Charles H. Ga­bri­el (Car­bon­dale, Il­li­nois: Egypt­ian Pub­lish­ing, 1906), num­ber 158, alt.

Music: Mee­rut Win­nie M. Ga­bri­el­son (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ul­mer (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Winnie M. Gabrielson (1877–1949)


O my Sav­ior, Thou art pre­cious!
Precious in life’s dark­est hour;
Tho’ mine eyes have ne­ver be­held Thee,
Yet my life has felt Thy pow­er.
In the deep­est, dark­est mid­night,
Bound by chains of death and sin,
Thou, the great and strong De­liv­er­er,
Liberty and life didst win.

O my Sav­ior, Thou art pre­cious!
When the storms of sor­row break,
When the heart with ang­uish qui­vers,
And our faith no song can wake.
Then how sweet­ly comes the mes­sage—
Cast thy ev­ery care on Me!
I have car­ried all thy sor­rows,
All thy griefs have borne for thee.

O my Sav­ior, Thou art pre­cious!
When the tempt­er would en­snare,
And my flesh, so weak and sin­ful,
Fain would lend a list­en­ing ear;
Then Thy Spir­it’s gen­tle plead­ing
Falls upon my wa­ver­ing heart,
Bringing faith’s shield to re­mem­brance,
Which can quench each fie­ry dart.

Precious Sav­ior, ev­er so pre­cious,
Dearer far than all to me;
Tho’ mine eyes have ne­ver beheld Thee,
Yet, some day, Thy face I’ll see.
How my heart with joy shall qui­ver,
How my ran­somed tongue will sing,
When in all Thy won­drous beau­ty
I be­hold my Sav­ior King!