Scripture Verse

I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18


Words: From The Church of Eng­land Hymn-Book, by David T. K. Drum­mond & Robert K. Gre­ville (Ed­in­burgh, Scot­land: Will­iam Oli­phant & Sons, 1838), num­ber 529.

Music: Old 100th at­trib­ut­ed to Lou­is Bour­geois, in Four Score and Se­ven Psalms of Da­vid (Ge­ne­va, Swit­zer­land: 1551) (🔊 pdf nwc).


O Lord! Thine an­cient church­es spare,
Which still Thy name, though fall­en, bear;
Where once Thy bold apos­tles stood,
And sealed Thy truth with mar­tyr’s blood.

Where now the Turk his pow­er ex­tends,
And vain­ly to his pro­phet bends,
There let again Thy Gos­pel shine,
With beams all bright, and pow­er di­vine.

Where Je­sus rose and left the grave,
There let the cross its ban­ner wave;
While Sy­ria sees her church­es rise,
And hymns to Christ as­cend the skies.

Let Nu­bia’s de­sert hear once more
The Sav­ior’s voice, His love im­plore;
Egypt Thy sac­red Word un­roll,
And find that grace which saves the soul.