Scripture Verse

Hear Thou in Heaven their prayer and their supplication. 1 Kings 8:45


John M. Neale (1818–1866)

Words: From an­cient La­tin.

Music: Dodge Jos­eph P. Hol­brook, in Songs for the Sanc­tu­ary, ed­it­ed by Charles S. Ro­bin­son (New York: A. S. Barnes, 1868), page 422 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Joseph P. Holbrook (1822–1888)

This cen­to, in 5 st. of 4 l. in A Se­lect­ion of Hys. De­signed as a Supp. to the Ps. & Hys. of the Presb. Church, Phi­la­del­phia [Penn­syl­van­ia], 1861, No. 356, and the Songs for the Sanc­tu­ary, N. Y., 1865, No. 1333, is from trs. of La­tin hymns pub. in the H. Not­ed; stan­za i. be­ing stan­za iii. of Ec­ce tem­pus ido­ne­um; stan­zas ii., iii. be­ing stan­zas iii., iv. of Je­su quad­ra­gen­ari­ae; stan­za iv. be­ing stan­za iv. of Au­di be­nig­ne Con­di­tor; and stan­za v. of Plas­ma­tor ho­mi­nis De­us.…Of these trs. stan­zas i.-iv. are by Dr. [John Ma­son] Neale, and stan­za v. by anoth­er hand.

The re­sult is a most suc­cess­ful hymn for a Fast Day ser­vice, or for Lent.

Julian, p. 840


O Lord our God, with ear­nest care,
With con­trite fast, and tear, and pray­er,
And works of mer­cy and of love,
We pray for par­don from above.

Be pre­sent now, be pre­sent here,
And mark Thy Church’s fall­ing tear;
And own the grief that fills her eyes,
In mourn­ing her ini­qui­ties.

Oh, by Thy grace be par­don won,
For sins that for­mer years have done;
And let Thy mer­cy guard us still,
From crimes that threat­en fu­ture ill.

So mor­ti­fy our ev­ery sense,
Through grace of out­ward ab­sti­nence,
That from each stain and spot of sin,
Our souls may keep their fast with­in.

O Fa­ther, that we ask be done,
Through Je­sus Christ, Thine on­ly Son;
Who, with the Ho­ly Ghost and Thee,
Shall live and reign eter­nal­ly!