Scripture Verse

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Psalm 33:12


William P. Merrill (1867–1954)

Words: Hen­ry J. van Dyke, 1912.

Music: Re­pub­lic Will­iam P. Mer­rill, 1912 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Henry J. Van Dyke (1852–1933)


O Lord, our God, Thy migh­ty hand
Hath made our coun­try free;
From all her broad and hap­py land
May wor­ship rise to Thee.
Fulfill the pro­mise of her youth,
Her li­ber­ty defend;
By law and or­der, love and truth,
America, Am­eri­ca, be­friend!

The strength of ev­ery state in­crease
In un­ion’s gold­en chain;
Her thou­sand cities fill with peace,
Her mill­ion fields with grain.
The vir­tues of her min­gled blood
In one new peo­ple blend,
By uni­ty and bro­ther­hood,
America, Am­eri­ca, be­friend!

O suf­fer not her feet to stray;
But guide her un­taught might,
That she may walk in peace­ful day,
And lead the world in light.
Bring down the proud, lift up the poor,
Unequal ways amend.
By jus­tice, na­tion­wide and sure,
America, Am­eri­ca, be­friend!

Through all the wait­ing land pro­claim
Thy Gos­pel of good­will;
And may the joy of Je­sus’ name
In ev­ery bo­som thrill.
O’er hill, and vale, from sea to sea,
Thy ho­ly reign ex­tend;
By faith and hope and cha­ri­ty,
America, Am­eri­ca, be­friend!