Scripture Verse

Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Matthew 4:17


Marion F. Ham (1867–1956)

Words: Ma­ri­on F. Ham, 1912.

Music: Oma­ha Ho­ra­tio W. Par­ker, 1894 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Horatio W. Parker


O Lord of life, Thy king­dom is at hand,
Blest reign of love and li­ber­ty and light;
Time long fore­told by seers of ev­ery land;
The cher­ished dream of watch­ers through the night.

Lo! in our hearts shines forth the morn­ing star,
Shedding its lus­ter on our dark­ened way;
And we be­hold, as pil­grims from afar,
The ho­ly dawn­ing of Thy per­fect day.

Now gleams at last upon our wait­ing eyes
The glo­ry of the king­dom that shall be;
When truth in con­qu’ring gran­deur shall arise,
And man shall rule the world with eq­ui­ty.

Forward again we move at Thy com­ing!
The flam­ing pil­lar lead­ing on anew;
One in the faith of all Thy pro­phet band,
Onward we press to make the vi­sion true.