Scripture Verse

The King, the Lord of hosts. Isaiah 6:5


Edward H. Plumptre (1821–1891)

Words: Ed­ward H. Plump­tre. Writ­ten in May 1864, and pub­lished in his La­za­rus and Oth­er Po­ems, 1864.

Music: Neu­mark Ge­org Neu­mark, 1641 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Georg Neumark


O Lord of hosts, all Heav­en pos­sess­ing,
Behold us from Thy sap­phire throne,
In doubt and dark­ness dim­ly guess­ing,
We might Thy glo­ry half have known;
But Thou in Christ hast made us Thine,
And on us all Thy beau­ties shine.

Illumine all, dis­ci­ples, teach­ers,
Thy law’s deep won­ders to un­fold;
With re­ver­ent hand let wis­dom’s preach­ers
Bring forth their trea­sures, new and old;
Let old­est, young­est, find in Thee
Of truth and love the bound­less sea.

Let faith still light the lamp of sci­ence,
And know­ledge pass from truth to truth,
And wis­dom, in its full re­li­ance,
Renew the pri­mal awe of youth;
So ho­li­er, wis­er, may we grow,
As time’s swift cur­rents on­ward flow.

Bind Thou our life in full­est un­ion
With all Thy saints from sin set free;
Uphold us in that blest com­mun­ion
Of all Thy saints on earth with Thee;
Keep Thou our souls, or there, or here,
In migh­ti­est love, that casts out fear.