Scripture Verse

Who is this…fair as the moon, bright as the sun, majestic as the stars? Song of Solomon 6:10


Jeremiah Clarke
(ca. 1659–1707)

Words: Ber­nard of Clair­vaux, 12th Cen­tu­ry (Je­su, de­cus an­gel­icum). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by Ed­ward Cas­wall, 1849.

Music: King’s Nor­ton Je­re­mi­ah Clarke (ca. 1659–1707) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Bernard of Clairvaux


O Je­su, Thou the beau­ty art
Of an­gel worlds above;
Thy name is mu­sic to the heart,
Enchanting it with love.

Celestial sweet­ness un­al­loyed!
Who eat Thee hun­ger still:
Who drink of Thee still feel a void,
Which naught but Thou can fill.

O my sweet Je­sus! hear the sighs
Which un­to Thee I send;
To Thee mine in­most spir­it cries,
My be­ing’s hope and end!

Stay with us, Lord, and with Thy light
Illume the soul’s ab­yss;
Scatter the dark­ness of our night,
And fill the world with bliss.

O Je­su! spot­less vir­gin-flow­er!
Our life and joy! To Thee
Be praise, bea­ti­tude, and pow­er
Through all eter­ni­ty.