Scripture Verse

The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14


Words: John H. An­ke­tell, Gos­pel and Epis­tle Hymns for the Chris­tian Year (New York: Church Re­cord Com­pa­ny, 1889), num­ber 5.

Music: St. Co­lum­ba an­cient Ir­ish tune (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of An­ke­tell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O joy of earth! A Sav­ior’s birth
To fall­en man is grant­ed;
The song of love is sung above,
And shep­herds hear it chant­ed.

Their wake­ful eyes with glad sur­prise
See white-robed an­gels shin­ing;
The rav­ished ear a song can hear,
All me­lo­dy com­bin­ing:

Be glo­ry give­n in high­est Hea­ven,
To God through years un­end­ing;
On earth may peace and love in­crease
God will to men des­cend­ing.

In haste they seek that In­fant meek,
Whose cradle is a man­ger,
And at His feet with hom­age meet
They hail the Hea­ven-born stran­ger.

And we with them in Beth­le­hem
Will seek the Lord of glo­ry,
Will sing His praise through end­less days
And tell His won­drous st­ory.

Sweet Babe, so frail! The thorn, the nail
Shall cause Thee bit­ter sor­row;
But soon Thy night shall end in light,
And bring an East­er mor­row.

Thy star di­vine shall ev­er shine
To guide the pil­grim stran­ger;
While faith shall own Thy love alone,
And wor­ship at Thy man­ger!