Scripture Verse

He is risen; He is not here: behold the place where they laid Him. Mark 16:6


Thomas Kelly (1769–1855)

Words: Tho­mas Kel­ly, Hymns on Va­ri­ous Pass­ag­es of Scrip­tures 1804. Orig­in­al first line: He’s gone! see where His bo­dy lay. The text be­low, from the orig­in­al stan­zas 2, 3 & 5, is based on Hymns and Psalms Adapt­ed to the Ser­vic­es of the Church of Eng­land, by Will­iam J. Hall, 1836. The re­frain is from Sal­va­tion Ar­my Songs, 1899.

Music: Com­pos­er un­known (🔊 pdf nwc).


O joy­ful sound! O glo­ri­ous hour
When Christ by His al­migh­ty pow­er
Arose and left the grave!
Now let our songs His triumph tell
Who broke the chains of death and hell,
And ev­er lives to save.


He lives, He lives,
I know that my Re­deem­er lives.
He lives, He lives,
I know that my Re­deem­er lives.

The first be­got­ten of the dead,
For us He rose, our glo­ri­ous head,
Immortal life to bring.
What though the saints, like Him shall die,
They share their lead­er’s vic­to­ry,
And tri­umph with their king.


No more we trem­ble at the grave;
For He who died our souls to save
Will raise our bo­dies, too.
What though this earth­ly house shall fail,
The Sav­ior’s pow­er will yet pre­vail
And build it up anew.
