Scripture Verse

Let the children come to Me, don’t stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Mark 10:14


Henry T. Smart (1813–1879)

Words: James T. Ro­berts, in the School Hym­nal, ed­it­ed by Will­iam R. Ste­ven­son (Lon­don: E. Marl­bo­rough, 1880), num­ber 141.

Music: Lan­ca­shire Hen­ry T. Smart, 1836 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ro­berts (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O Je­sus, bless­èd Je­sus!
Who art the child­ren’s friend,
Hear Thou our grate­ful prais­es,
While at Thy feet we bend;
As Thou has deigned to wel­come—
As Thou has deigned to bless
The lit­tle ones who love Thee—
Around Thee now we press.

Bless ev­en us, dear Je­sus!
For O we long to know
The peace, the joy and glad­ness,
Thou on­ly canst be­stow.
To know Thee, and to love Thee,
Be this our ear­ly choice,
That all along life’s jour­ney
In Thee we may re­joice.

We love Thy name, dear Je­sus,
No other name is giv’n
That is to us so pre­cious,
That is to dear to Heav’n;
It tells us of a Sav­ior,
It tells us of a friend,
Who will with lov­ing fa­vor
To all our wants at­tend.

O guide us, bless­èd Je­sus!
Amid the snares of youth,
For well we know the prone­ness
To leave the path of truth.
May Thy kind arms en­fold us
So near Thy lov­ing heart,
That, shel­tered and de­fend­ed,
We nev­er more may part.

We look to Thee, dear Je­sus!
Our hope is stayed on Thee;
O make us now, and keep us
Thine own eter­nal­ly.
And, when no more Thy child­ren
Shall sing Thy prais­es here,
May par­ents, teach­ers, schol­ars,
Meet in yon heav’n­ly sphere!