Scripture Verse

We have thought of Thy lovingkindness, O God. Psalm 48:9


Frederick W. Faber (1814–1863)

Words: Fred­er­ick W. Fa­ber, Je­sus and Ma­ry 1849 and 1852.

Music: Saw­ley James Walch, 1860 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Walch (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O how the thought of God attracts
And draws the heart from earth,
And sickens it of passing shows
And dissipating mirth!

’Tis not enough to save our souls,
To shun the eter­nal fires;
The thought of God will rouse the heart
To more sublime desires.

God only is the creature’s home,
Though long and rough the road;
Yet nothing less can satisfy
The love that longs for God.

O utter but the name of God,
Down in your heart of hearts,
And see how from the world at once
All tempting light departs.

A trusting heart, a yearning eye,
Can win their way above;
If mountains can be moved by faith,
Is there less power in love?

How little of that road, my soul!
How little hast thou gone!
Take heart, and let the thought of God
Allure thee further on.

The freedom all willful sin,
The Chris­tian’s daily task,
O these are graces far below
What longing love would ask!

Dole not thy duties out to God,
But let thy hand be free:
Look long at Je­sus; His sweet blood,
How was it dealt to thee?

The perfect way is hard to flesh;
It is not hard to love;
If thou wert sick for want of God,
How swiftly wouldst thou move!

Good is the cloister’s silent shade,
Cold watch and pining fast;
Better the mission’s wearing strife,
If there thy lot be cast.

Yet none of these perfection needs:
Keep thy heart calm all day,
And catch the words the Spir­it there
From hour to hour may say.

O keep thy conscience sensitive;
No inward token miss;
And go where grace entices thee;
Perfection lies in this.

Be docile to thine unseen guide,
Love Him as He loves thee;
Time and obedience are enough,
And thou a saint shall be!