Scripture Verse

If you seek Him, you will find Him. 2 Chronicles 15:2


Robert Lowry (1826–1899)

Words: Ar­chi­bald Ken­yon, 1872.

Music: Kiev Ro­bert Low­ry, Roy­al Dia­dem 1873 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Archibald Kenyon


I’m poor, and blind, and wretch­ed,
I’m full of doubts and fears;
My heart is weak and wick­ed,
My cheeks are wet with tears;
My soul is full of sad­ness,
Of sin, and pain, and grief;
Oh for a ray of glad­ness,
Of par­don and relief!


Oh, come at once to Je­sus,
Whate’er your bur­den be,
And though your sins are ma­ny,
His blood can make you free.

And will the bless­èd Sav­ior
This guil­ty soul make pure?
May I be His for­ev­er?
May I His love se­cure?
Oh, then I’ll tell the sto­ry;
I’ll tell the world to come;
For Christ, the King of Glo­ry,
Will bid them wel­come home.
