If you seek Him, you will find Him.
2 Chronicles 15:2
Words: Archibald Kenyon, 1872.
Music: Kiev Robert Lowry, Royal Diadem 1873 (🔊 pdf nwc).
I’m poor, and blind, and wretched,
I’m full of doubts and fears;
My heart is weak and wicked,
My cheeks are wet with tears;
My soul is full of sadness,
Of sin, and pain, and grief;
Oh for a ray of gladness,
Of pardon and relief!
Oh, come at once to Jesus,
Whate’er your burden be,
And though your sins are many,
His blood can make you free.
And will the blessèd Savior
This guilty soul make pure?
May I be His forever?
May I His love secure?
Oh, then I’ll tell the story;
I’ll tell the world to come;
For Christ, the King of Glory,
Will bid them welcome home.