Scripture Verse

O God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and give praise, even with my glory. Psalm 108:1


Nahum Tate (1652–1715)

Words: From A New Ver­sion of the Psalms of Da­vid, by Na­hum Tate & Ni­cho­las Bra­dy, 1696, pag­es 229–30.

Music: Lam­beth (Schult­hes) Wil­helm A. F. Schult­hes, 1871 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Wilhelm A. F. Schulthes (1816–1879)


O God, my heart is ful­ly bent
To mag­ni­fy Thy name;
My tongue with cheer­ful songs of praise
Shall ce­le­brate Thy fame.

Awake, my lute; nor thou, my harp,
Thy warb­ling notes de­lay;
Whilst I with ear­ly hymns of joy
Prevent the dawn­ing day.

To all the list­en­ing tribes, O Lord,
Thy won­drous works I’ll tell,
And to those na­tions sing Thy praise,
That round about us dwell:

Because Thy mer­cy’s bound­less height
The high­est heav’n trans­cends;
And far be­yond th’as­pir­ing clouds
Thy faith­ful truth ex­tends.

Be Thou, O God, ex­alt­ed high
Above the star­ry frame;
And let the world, with one con­sent,
Confess Thy glo­ri­ous name.

That all Thy chos­en peo­ple Thee
Their Sav­ior may de­clare;
Let Thy right hand pro­tect me still,
And an­swer Thou my pray­er.

Since God Him­self has said the word,
Whose pro­mise can­not fail,
With joy I Si­chem will di­vide,
And mea­sure Suc­coth’s vale.

Gilead is mine, Ma­nas­seh, too,
And Eph­ra­im owns my cause:
Their strength my re­gal pow­er sup­ports,
And Ju­dah gives my laws.

Moab I’ll make my ser­vile drudge,
On van­quished Ed­om tread;
And thro’ the proud Phil­is­tine lands,
My con­quer­ing ban­ners spread.

By whose sup­port and aid shall I
Their well fenced ci­ty gain?
Who will my troops se­cure­ly lead
Thro’ Ed­om’s guard­ed plain?

Lord, wilt not Thou as­sist our arms,
Which late Thou didst for­sake?
And wilt not Thou, of these our hosts,
Once more the guid­ance take?

O to Thy ser­vant in dis­tress
Thy speedy suc­cor send;
For vain it is on hu­man aid
For safe­ty to de­pend.

Then val­iant acts shall we per­form,
If Thou Thy pow­er dis­close;
For God it is, and God alone,
That treads down all our foes.