Scripture Verse

Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Luke 11:2


Words: Sa­rah J. Hale, in Ma­son & Greene’s Church Psal­mo­dy, 1831.

Music: Go­shen (Gaw­ler) from Will­iam Gaw­ler’s Hymns and Psalms, 1789 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Sarah J. Hale (1788–1879)


Our Fa­ther in Hea­ven, we hal­low Thy name;
May Thy king­dom ho­ly on earth be the same;
O give to us dai­ly our por­tion of bread;
It is from Thy boun­ty that all must be fed.

Forgive our trans­gress­ions, and teach us to know
That hum­ble com­pas­sion which par­dons each foe;
Keep us from temp­ta­tion, from ev­il and sin,
And Thine be the glo­ry, for­ev­er! Amen!