Scripture Verse

A great company of the heavenly host appeared…saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests. Luke 2:13–14


Lizzie DeArmond (1847–1936)

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Words: Liz­zie De­Ar­mond, 1908.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


O’er the hills of old Ju­dea
Shines a light from Hea­ven’s throne,
Chiming bells ring in the glo­ri­ous
Morn of peace;
Earth is lost in joy­ful won­der,
Angels bright ex­ult­ant sing
Of the Christ, whose reign of glad­ness
Ne’er shall cease.


Hail with joy the bless­èd com­ing
Of the King,
Praise His name! let songs ex­ult­ant
Ever ring!
Hail with joy the bless­èd com­ing
Of the King,
Our ho­ly Sav­ior king!

Dawns the hour so long ex­pect­ed—
Wake, ye lands to end­less praise,
Shout aloud the bless­èd sto­ry
True and sweet;
In a lowly man­ger sleep­ing
Lies the Babe of Beth­le­hem;
Bow in wor­ship now be­fore
The Sav­ior’s feet.


Peace, good-will—the world is ring­ing
With the ev­er­last­ing song,
God’s dear love still shines along
Our pil­grim way;
Throw your heart-doors glad­ly open,
Hail with joy the King di­vine,
Born to us again this ho­ly,
Happy day.
