Scripture Verse

Certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils, and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto Him of their substance. Luke 8:2–3


Uzziah C. Burnap (1834–1900)

Words: Will­iam W. How, 1867.

Music: In­as­much (Bur­nap) Uz­zi­ah C. Bur­nap, 1887 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William W. How (1823–1897)


O daugh­ters blest of Ga­li­lee,
With Je­sus chose ye well to be,
Thrice hap­py ho­ly com­pa­ny.

O joy, to see that Mas­ter dear!
O joy, to live with Him so near!
O joy, that gen­tle voice to hear!

O more than joy, to that dear Lord,
In pur­est, deep­est love ad­ored,
All low­ly ser­vice to af­ford.

Yea, hap­py was your lot to bring
In loy­al hom­age to your king
Each free and gra­cious of­fer­ing.

O Je­sus, throned above the height,
Adoring troops of an­gels bright
Wait on Thy bid­ding day and night.

Thy sac­red form we can­not see,
Yet, Lord, these hands may ren­der Thee
Each low­ly act of char­ity.

For while, ’mid want and woe we move,
And tend Thy poor in gen­tle love,
We min­is­ter to Thee above.

O gra­cious Je­sus, we con­fess,
Our poor cold love, our no­thing­ness:
Yet Thou wilt own, and Thou wilt bless.