Scripture Verse

I will ask the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter. John 14:16


Words & Mu­sic: Al­bert B. Simp­son, 1897 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Albert B. Simpson (1843–1919)


O Com­fort­er, gen­tle and ten­der,
O holy and hea­ven­ly Dove;
We’re yield­ing our hearts in sur­ren­der,
We’re wait­ing Thy full­ness to prove.


We’re wait­ing, we’re wait­ing
For Thee, O hea­ven­ly Dove;
We’re yield­ing our hearts to sur­ren­der,
We’re wait­ing Thy full­ness to prove.

Come strong as the wind o’er the ocean,
Or soft as the breath­ing of morn,
Subduing our spir­it’s com­mo­tion
And cheer­ing when hearts are for­lorn.


O come as the heart search­ing fire,
O come as the sin cleans­ing flood;
Consume us with holy de­sire,
And fill with the full­ness of God.


Anoint us with glad­ness and heal­ing;
Baptize us with pow­er from on high;
O come with Thy fill­ing and seal­ing,
While low at Thy foot­stool we lie.
