Scripture Verse

The gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18


Words: El­la M. Bangs, 1914.

Music: Nims Lake Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bangs (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


O Church of God, tri­um­phant
O’er hu­man doubts and fears,
Which in the faith of ag­es
Comes march­ing thro’ the years;
Baptized with blood of mar­tyrs,
With conf­licts dear­ly won,
Beset with per­se­cu­tions,
Yet ev­er march­ing on.


O Church of God, tri­um­phant,
With con­flicts dear­ly won,
Beset with per­se­cu­tion,
Yet ev­er march­ing on.

With back­ward look we see thee,
Thy scat­tered mem­bers few;
We see thee strug­gling ev­er
Their cour­age to re­new;
Strong amid tri­bu­la­tion,
Uprising from each fall,
We see thee march­ing on­ward
Triumphant ov­er all.


O re­fuge of the na­tions,
On thee our hope is stayed;
Thy cour­age thro’ the ages
Shall keep us un­afraid;
And with thy strength in­creas­ing
Till earth­ly years are past,
God help thee to march on­ward
Triumphant to the last.
