Scripture Verse

Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Gos­pel Song-Gems No.1, ed­it­ed by H. A. Wolf­sohn (Phi­la­de­lphia, Penn­sy­lvan­ia: John J. Hood, 1901), num­ber 104.

Music: John R. Swe­ney (🔊 pdf nwc).

John Sweney (1837–1899)


O Church of God, arise!
Reach out thy help­ing hand,
And like a trum­pet let thy voice
Go forth to ev­ery land;
Lay not thine ar­mor down,
Nor cease by day or night,
To lift the sword of Gos­pel truth,
And wield it for the right.


Then arise in thy glo­ry,
O Church of God, arise!
’Tis the dawn of the mor­row
That greets thy wait­ing eyes
But cloud and mist and sha­dow
Must all be rolled away.
But cloud and mist and sha­dow
Must all be rolled away.
Before the world will ush­er
In the long ex­pect­ed day.

O Church of God, arise!
Thy bor­ders wide ex­tend,
And o’er the earth’s re­mot­est bounds
Thy her­alds quick­ly send;
Thine ar­mies now are great,
But great­er they must be,
For ev­ery na­tion, ev­ery clime
Shall yet re­joice in thee.


O Church of God, arise!
The grand old cho­ral strain
Of peace on earth, good will to man,
That rang on Ju­dah’s plain,
O’er all the world shall ring,
And ec­ho far and wide,
And then the King, thy Lord, shall come,
And claim His faith­ful bride.
