Scripture Verse

The Word of our God shall stand forever. Isaiah 40:8


John H. Yates (1837–1900)

Words: John H. Yates, 1898.

Music: Lew­is E. Jones (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lewis E. Jones (1865–1936)


From the Word of God light is shin­ing bright­ly out
O’er life’s ocean, tem­pest driv’n,
Guiding past the rocks and the hid­den shoals of doubt
To the bliss­ful port of Heav’n.


The old Book stands! O yes, it stands!
Firm as a rock ’mid shift­ing sands!
Billows may run high, tem­pests sweep the sky;
Firmly the old Book stands!

All its pro­mis­es are more pre­cious, far, than gold,
Or than pearls from deep­est sea;
Whosoever will is the truth it doth un­fold,
Precious truth for you and me.


In this pre­cious Book is the dear old sto­ry told,
Of the Sav­ior and His love;
And with joy we read of the streets of pur­est gold,
The Je­ru­sa­lem above.


Precious book of life, let us trea­sure each com­mand,
Heeding ev­ery pre­cept giv’n,
Till the strife is o’er and vic­tor­ious we stand
With the blood washed throng in Heav’n.
