Scripture Verse

Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy Name. Psalm 103:1


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719. Praise for spir­it­ual and tem­po­ral mer­cies.

Music: St. Mi­chael me­lo­dy by Lou­is Bour­geois in the French Ge­ne­van Psal­ter, 1551. Adapt­ed by Will­iam Crotch in his Psalm Tunes, 1836 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

William Crotch (1775–1847)


O bless the Lord, my soul!
Let all with­in me join,
And aid my tongue to bless His name
Whose fa­vors are di­vine.

O bless the Lord, my soul,
Nor let His mer­cies lie
Forgotten in un­thank­ful­ness,
And with­out prais­es die.

‘Tis He for­gives thy sins,
’Tis He re­lieves thy pain,
’Tis He that heals thy sick­ness­es
And makes thee young again.

He crowns thy life with love,
When ran­somed from the grave;
He that re­deemed my soul from hell
Hath so­ver­eign pow­er to save.

He fills the poor with good,
He gives the suf­fer­ers rest;
The Lord hath judgm­ents for the proud,
And jus­tice for th’op­pressed.

His won­drous works and ways
He made by Mo­ses known
But sent the world His truth and grace
By His be­lov­èd Son.