Scripture Verse

He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows. Isaiah 53:4


Words: J. C. Starr, 1886.

Music: Ca­pri Sa­mu­el M. Bix­by, 1894 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Starr’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Bix­by,


O, the bless­èd pro­mise giv­en
On the hills of Ga­li­lee
To the wea­ry, hea­vy la­den,
Still is made to you and me.
Many a heart has thrilled to hear it,
Many a tear been wiped away,
Many a load of sin been lift­ed,
Many a mid­night turned to day.

Many a brok­en, con­trite spirit,
Lonely, sor­row­ing and sad,
Felt the migh­ty con­so­la­tion,
Heard the heav­en­ly tid­ings glad;
And the dy­ing gazed with rap­ture,
Trusting in the Sav­ior’s name,
On the land of rest and refuge,
When the Bur­den Bear­er came.

Every phase of hu­man sor­row
Fills the path we tread today;
Harps are hang­ing on the wil­lows,
Souls are faint­ing by the way;
But there still is balm in Gi­le­ad,
And though here on earth we weep,
God with­in the many man­sions,
Giveth His be­lov­èd sleep.

On the cloud the rain­bow glit­ters,
Shines the star of faith above;
God will not for­sake or leave us—
Let us trust His truth and love,
And be­yond the shin­ing river
We shall bless His ho­ly name,
That to bear our sins and sor­rows,
Christ the Bur­den Bear­er came.