Scripture Verse

Lord, what is man, that Thou takest knowledge of him? Psalm 144:3


Johann S. Bach (1685–1750)

Words: Will­iam G. Tar­rant, in Psal­ter­lust fu­er die christ­liche Ju­gend (Co­lum­bus, Ohio: J. L. Trau­ger, 1890).

Music: Ach Gott und Herr, in As Hym­no­dus Sa­cer, ed­it­ed by Chris­tian Gall (Leip­zig, Ger­ma­ny: 1625). Adapt­ed and har­mo­nized by Jo­hann S. Bach (🔊 pdf nwc).

William G. Tarrant (1853–1928)


Now praise we great and fa­mous men,
The fa­thers named in sto­ry;
And praise the Lord, who now as then
Reveals in man His glo­ry.

Praise we the wise and brave and strong,
Who graced their ge­ne­ra­tion,
Who helped the right, and fought the wrong,
And made our folk a na­tion.

Praise we the great of heart and mind,
The sing­ers sweet­ly gift­ed,
Whose mu­sic like a migh­ty wind
The souls of men up­lift­ed.

Praise we the peace­ful men of skill,
Who build­ed homes of beau­ty,
And, rich in art, made rich­er still
The bro­ther­hood of du­ty.

Praise we the glo­ri­ous names we know,
And they whose names have per­ished,
Lost, in the haze of long ago,
In si­lent love be cher­ished.

In peace their sac­red ash­es rest,
Fulfilled their day’s en­dea­vor;
They blessed the earth, and they are blessed
Of God and man for­ev­er.