Scripture Verse

He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of His people shall He take away from off all the earth: for the Lord hath spoken it. Isaiah 25:8


Glenn Vaughan (1893–1969)

Words: Hau­ta W. Sloan, in His Voice of Love, ed­it­ed by James D. Vaugh­an (Law­rence­burg, Ten­nes­see: James D. Vaugh­an, 1924), num­ber 34.

Music: Shin­ju­ku Glenn K. Vaugh­an, 1924 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Oft our hearts are filled with sor­row,
As we jour­ney day by day;
But when we get home up yon­der,
God will wipe all tears away.


O, the joy we’ll know in Hea­ven!
Free from toil and pain and care;
We will sing God’s praise for­ev­er,
And we’ll know no sor­row there.

Here our bur­dens oft are hea­vy,
And the road is rough and steep;
But our bless­èd Lord will guide us,
And His pro­mise true will keep.


Precious friends who have de­part­ed
From this wea­ry vale of tears,
Will be wait­ing there to greet us,
Safe at home thro’ end­less years.


O, ’twill be a grand re­un­ion,
When we reach that home­land fair;
There’ll be peace and joy for­ev­er,
For there’ll be no sor­row there.
