Scripture Verse

Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high? Psalm 113:5


Words: Eli­za E. Hew­itt, in Make His Praise Glo­ri­ous, ed­it­ed by Ed­win O. Ex­cell (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: E. O. Ex­cell, 1900), nu­mber 64.

Music: E. E. Sat­ter­lee (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Sat­ter­lee’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Eliza E. Hewitt (1851–1920)


There’s no one like my Sav­ior,
No friend can be like Him;
My ne­ver fail­ing sun­shine
When earth­ly lights grow dim;
When sum­mer flow­ers are bloom­ing,
The bright­ness of my joy,
O, may His hap­py ser­vice
My heart and life em­ploy!


No one, no one like my pre­cious Sav­ior,
No one, no one such a friend can be;
No one, no one like my pre­cious Sav­ior,
Glory, glo­ry, Je­sus cares for me.

There’s no one like my Sav­ior;
In sea­sons of dis­tress,
He draws me clos­er to Him,
To com­fort and to bless;
He gives me, in temp­ta­tion,
The strength of His right arm;
His an­gels camp around me,
To keep me from all harm.


There’s no one like my Sav­ior,
He par­dons all my sin;
And gives His Ho­ly Spir­it,
A spring­ing well within;
He leads me out to ser­vice,
With gen­tle touch and mild;
O, won­der of all won­ders,
That I should be His child.


There’s no one like my Sav­ior;
Come now, and find it true;
He gave His life a ran­som,
His blood was shed for you;
Then when we reach the city
Of ev­er­last­ing light,
We’ll sing with saints and an­gels,
All ho­nor, pow­er and might.
