Scripture Verse

Of that day and that hour knoweth no man—no, not the angels who are in Heaven, neither the Son, but only the Father. Mark 13:32


Carolyn W. Gillette (1961–)

Words: Ca­ro­lyn W. Gil­lette, 2016. A hymn for the First Sun­day of Ad­vent.

Music: Ir­by Hen­ry J. Gaunt­lett, 1849 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Henry Gauntlett
National Portrait Gallery



No one knows the day or hour
When the Son of Man will come—
Not the an­gels sing­ing, Glo­ry!
And not ev­en God’s own Son.
No one knows, so watch and wait.
Serve the Lord! Don’t he­si­tate.

Long ago, the friends of No­ah
Lived their lives their same old ways.
Eating, drink­ing, joy and strug­gle
Filled their or­di­na­ry days.
Surely they were all sur­prised
When they saw the wa­ters rise.

Though we do not know the hour,
Christ, you’ve told us what to do.
You have called us to be watch­ful,
Ready for a world made new.
May we focus on the ways
We can serve you in these days:

May we give to those who hun­ger,
And give thirs­ty ones their fill.
May we wel­come in the stran­ger,
Clothe the nak­ed, help the ill.
May we vi­sit pri­son­ers, too;
So we’ll be pre­pared for you.