Scripture Verse

There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun, who rideth upon the heaven in thy help, and in His excellency on the sky. Deuteronomy 33:26


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems (Bris­tol, Eng­land: Fe­lix Far­ley, 1742), pag­es 248–49, alt.

Music: Je­shu­run Hen­ry J. Gaunt­lett (1805–1876) (🔊 pdf nwc)

Alternate Tunes:

Henry Gauntlett
National Portrait Gallery



None is like Je­shu­run’s God,
So great, so strong, so high;
Lo! He spreads His wings abroad,
He rides up­on the sky!
Israel, His first born son,
God, th’eter­nal God is thine,
See Him in thy help come down,
The ex­cel­lence di­vine.

Thee the great Je­ho­vah deigns
To suc­cor and de­fend;
Thee th’eter­nal God sus­tains,
Thy mak­er, and thy friend;
Sinner, what hast thou to dread?
Safe from all im­pend­ing harms,
God hath un­der­neath thee spread
His ev­er­last­ing arms.

God is thine; dis­dain to fear
The en­emy with­in;
God shall in thy flesh ap­pear,
And make an end to sin;
God the man of sin shall slay,
Fill thee with tri­um­phant joy;
God shall thrust him out, and say
Destroy them all, de­stroy.

All the strug­gle then is o’er,
And wars and fight­ings cease;
Israel then shall sin no more,
But dwell in per­fect peace;
All his ene­mies are gone,
Sin shall have in him no part,
Israel now shall dwell alone
With Je­sus in his heart.

In a land of corn and wine
His lot shall be be­low;
Comforts there, and bless­ings join,
And milk and ho­ney flow;
Jacob’s well is in his soul,
Gracious dew his heav’ns dis­till,
Fill his soul al­rea­dy full,
And shall for­ev­er fill.

Blest, O Is­ra­el, art thou,
What peo­ple is like thee?
Saved from sin by Je­sus now,
Thou art and still shalt be.
Jesus is thy sev’n-fold shield,
Jesus is thy flam­ing sword;
Earth and hell and sin shall yield
To God’s al­migh­ty Word.

God’s al­migh­ty Word shall stand,
Thine ene­mies shall fall,
Fade away at His com­mand,
And sink and per­ish all;
Liars shall they all be found,
All who cried, It can­not be!
Sin must al­ways keep its ground
Must al­ways dwell in thee.

Christ shall make Thee free in­deed,
When He ap­pears with­in;
Thou on self and pride shalt tread,
On all the strength of sin;
Thou shalt more than con­quer it,
Thou shalt see it all de­part,
See it dead be­neath thy feet,
No long­er in thy heart.

God, the gra­cious God and true,
Hath spoke the faith­ful Word;
He the migh­ty work shall do,
Our trust is in the Lord:
He the mount­ain shall re­move,
He the sin­ner shall re­store;
He shall me per­fect in love,
And I shall sin no more.