Scripture Verse

No man ever spoke like this! John 7:46


Words: Su­san­na Har­ris­on, Songs in the Night (Ip­swich, Eng­land: Pun­chard & Jer­myn, 1780), page 74.

Music: Wal­sall, at­trib­ut­ed to Hen­ry Pur­cell (1658–1695) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Henry Purcell (1658–1695)


No man, nor angel, can compare
With our al­migh­ty Lord:
To speak like Him what seraph dare,
Or imitate His word?

Who can command the dead to rise,
With a prevailing power?
Who can pour light on sightless eyes?
The sick to health restore?

Whose word can fiends infernal tame;
Or furious winds control?
Unstop deaf ears; or cure the lame;
Or make the wounded whole?

One word from Je­sus this performs,
And proves His power divine;
His breath can still the roughest storms,
Leviathan confine!

None else could expiate my guilt,
Nor save one soul from hell;
Not all the blood of mortals spilt
Since our first parents fell.

Jesus for me fulfilled the law,
And justice satisfied;
My guilt and misery He saw,
And for my ransom died.

Love such as His can ne’er be found,
His grace is rich indeed;
Such words as His there’s none can sound,
Nor do as Je­sus did.