Scripture Verse

Who is like unto Thee, O Lord? Exodus 15:11


Words: Ed­ith L. Mapes, 1911. In The New Cokes­bu­ry Hym­nal (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: Cokes­bu­ry Press, 1928), num­ber 172. To Ho­mer A. Ro­de­hea­ver: In ap­pre­ci­ation of his friend­ship, spir­it, and un­tir­ing ef­forts to do some­thing for oth­ers.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mapes (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


Sometimes sec­ret sins creep in­to my heart,
Nobody sees them but Je­sus;
But when I con­fess, He bids them de­part,
Nobody cleans­es like Je­sus;
Nobody cleans­es like Je­sus,
Nobody cleans­es like Je­sus;
But when I con­fess, He bids them de­part,
Nobody cleans­es like Je­sus.

Sometimes there are tears that must not be shed,
Nobody knows it but Je­sus;
In sick­ness and grief He pil­lows my head,
Nobody com­forts like Je­sus;
Nobody com­forts like Je­sus,
Nobody com­forts like Je­sus;
In sick­ness and grief He pil­lows my head,
Nobody com­forts like Je­sus.

Sometimes ang­ry thoughts are al­most ex­pressed,
Nobody hears them but Je­sus;
His gen­tle re­straint soon has them sup­pressed,
Nobody qui­ets like Je­sus;
Nobody qui­ets like Je­sus,
Nobody qui­ets like Je­sus;
His gen­tle re­straint soon has them sup­pressed,
Nobody qui­ets like Je­sus.

Sometimes I am weak, and wan­der as­tray,
Nobody strength­ens like Je­sus;
He pa­tient­ly leads me back to the way,
Nobody par­dons like Je­sus;
Nobody par­dons like Je­sus,
Nobody par­dons like Je­sus;
He pa­tient­ly leads me back to the way,
Nobody par­dons like Je­sus.

Sometimes shut away from all held most dear,
Nobody with me but Je­sus;
My souls no­thing lacks, no ev­il I fear,
Nobody loves me like Je­sus;
Nobody loves me like Je­sus,
Nobody loves me like Je­sus;
My souls no­thing lacks, no ev­il I fear,
Nobody loves me like Je­sus.