Scripture Verse

The four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odors, which are the prayers of saints. Revelation 5:8


Arthur T. Pierson (1837–1911)

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Words: Arthur T. Pier­son, 1874. When Dan­iel Whit­tle and Phi­lip Bliss con­duct­ed a six-week cam­paign in De­troit, Mi­chi­gan, they stayed in Pier­son’s home. Pier­son gave Bliss these words and was im­pressed that Bliss withd­rew for a sea­son of pray­er be­fore com­pos­ing the mu­sic.

Music: Chat­ta­noo­ga Phi­lip P. Bliss (🔊 pdf nwc).

Philip P. Bliss (1838–1876)


With harps and with vi­ols,
There stand a great throng
In the pre­sence of Je­sus,
And sing this new song:


Unto Him who hath loved us
And washed us from sin,
Unto Him be the glo­ry for­ev­er, Amen.

All these once were sin­ners,
Defiled in His sight,
Now ar­rayed in pure gar­ments
In praise they unite:


He mak­eth the re­bel
A priest and a king,
He hath bought us and taught us
This new song to sing:


How help­less and hope­less
We sin­ners had been,
If He ne­ver had loved us
Till cleansed from our sin:


Aloud in His prais­es
Our voic­es shall ring,
So that oth­ers be­liev­ing,
This new song shall sing:
