Scripture Verse

I call to remembrance my song in the night. Psalm 77:6


Frederick A. Graves (1856–1927)

Words & Mu­sic: Fred­er­ick A. Graves, 1894 (🔊 pdf nwc).


When out on life’s ocean,
The waves dash­ing high,
While waters are trou­bled,
And no help is nigh,
I’ll sing Eb­en­ez­er
And watch for the light,
And call to re­mem­brance
My song in the night.


My song in the night,
My song in the night;
I call to re­mem­brance
My song in the night.

God’s pro­mise is sure,
And we’re safe in His care,
He’ll help all His child­ren
Their bur­dens to bear;
To Him let us look
To be kept in the right,
And call to re­mem­brance
Our song in the night.


The blood of the Sav­ior
Will cleanse ev­ery one;
O sin­ner, He’ll save you
If on­ly you’ll come;
Accept of His mer­cy,
Your way will be bright,
Then sing with the saved ones
Your song in the night.


The home ov­er there
Will be soon our abode,
Tho’ straight is the way
Oftentimes rough the road;
But Je­sus our guide
Is the way and the light,
I call to re­mem­brance
My song in the night.
