Scripture Verse

Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. Micah 7:19


Words & Music: Mer­rill E. Dun­lop, 1927 (🔊 pdf nwc). Ap­peared in Four­square Fa­vo­rites, ed­it­ed by Ai­mee Sem­ple Mc­Pher­son (Los An­ge­les, Ca­li­for­nia: Ec­ho Park Ev­an­geli­st­ic As­so­ci­ation, 1928).

Merrill E. Dunlop (1905–2002)


What a won­drous mes­sage in God’s Word!
My sins are blot­ted out, I know!
If I trust in His re­deem­ing blood,
My sins are blot­ted out, I know!


My sins are blot­ted out, I know!
My sins are blot­ted out, I know!
They are bur­ied in the depths of the deep­est sea;
My sins are blot­ted out, I know!

Once my heart was black, but now what joy,
My sins are blot­ted out, I know!
I have peace that no­thing can de­stroy,
My sins are blot­ted out, I know!


I shall stand some day be­fore my king,
My sins all blot­ted out, I know!
With the ran­somed host I then shall sing:
My sins are blot­ted out, I know!
