Scripture Verse

Have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer. Psalm 4:1


Virgil O. Stamps (1892–1940)

Words: Vir­gil O. Stamps, in Hal­le­lu­jahs (Law­rence­burg, Ten­nes­see: James D. Vaugh­an, 1922).

Music: Ad­ger M. Pace (🔊 pdf nwc).

Adger M. Pace (1882–1959)


O Fa­ther, hear me as I pray to Thee,
I know that I am far from pur­ity;
But Je­sus died that sin­ful men might live,
So in His name I ask Thee to for­give.


Father, Fa­ther,
Humbly now I come to Thee;
Father, Fa­ther,
Hear, oh hear my hum­ble plea.

I pray that Thou wilt par­don ev­ery sin;
O Lord, for­give and make me pure with­in.
Plant a de­sire for ser­vice in my heart
And give me strength to al­ways do my part.


Tonight, O Fa­ther, as the sha­dows creep
And I so gent­ly close my eyes in sleep,
I pray that Thou wilt guard me through the night
And keep me safe till comes the morn­ing light.


When morn­ing comes, oh, let me rise to work,
Forbid that du­ty I should ev­er shirk;
And when at last my race on earth is run,
Grant, Lord, that I may hear Thee say, Well done.
