Scripture Verse

[He] died, and the angels carried him. Luke 16:22


Words: Jef­fer­son Has­call, in the Me­lo­de­on, by John W. Dad­mun (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: J. P. Ma­gee, 1860), page 12.

Music: The Land of Beulah Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry, Brad­bu­ry’s Gold­en Show­er of Sun­day School Me­lo­dies (New York: Ivi­son, Phin­ney, 1862), num­ber 50 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Has­call (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

William Bradbury


My lat­est sun is sink­ing fast,
My race is near­ly run;
My strong­est tri­als now are past,
My tri­umph is begun.


O come, an­gel band,
Come and around me stand;
O bear me away on your snowy wings
To my eter­nal home;
O bear me away on your snowy wings
To my eter­nal home.

I know I’m near the ho­ly ranks
Of friends and kin­dred dear,
For I hear the waves on Jor­dan’s banks,
The cross­ing must be near.


I’ve al­most reached my heav’n­ly home,
My spir­it loud­ly sings;
Thy ho­ly ones, be­hold, they come!
I hear the noise of wings.


O bear my long­ing heart to Him,
Who bled and died for me;
Whose blood now cleans­es from all sin,
And gives me vic­to­ry.
